Juicy Succulents

Most succulents have their origins in dry climates and in order to tolerate these arid conditions their structures have adapted to store water in various parts, including in their roots, stems or leaves. Succulent is derived from the Latin word ‘sucus’ which means juice, moisture or sap. While succulents are often mentioned alongside cacti, all cacti are actually succulents. Cacti commonly have thick, fleshy stems where the water is stored and modified leaves in the form of spines, which have a very small surface area so they transpire less water. There are so many benefits to having some succulents in…

Where have all the trees gone?

Trees are important features in residential areas but less and less people seem to be planting them in their front and backyards. The downward trend in house block size has had a large impact on trees in suburban areas because very few house blocks have enough space now for the large trees of yesteryear, including Oaks, Angophoras and Elms. The benefits of larger trees is that they soften the impact of residential development and create lovely shaded streets. New developments often feel exposed because there is no shade in the streets.  Small-sized backyards often contain beds with low growing perennials…